


利记sbo护理学理学士(BSN), offered through a unique partnership with 提升密歇根 health system, 是四年, 合格申请人计划. Students begin their nursing studies on day one with nursing classes integrated across the curriculum.


The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at 利记sbo is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate 护理 Education www.ccneaccreditation.org

利记sbo与 提升密歇根 is designed to prepare nurses to meet the demands of the changing healthcare landscape. Students receive 利记sbo’s signature “Theory and Practice” education and benefit from 提升密歇根’s promise of compassionate, 为所有人提供个性化护理.

Students will rotate though the six 提升密歇根 hospital locations for a varied, professional experience without the loss in productivity that occurs when they have to navigate different healthcare systems. 严谨的, 以证据为基础的课程, 由在现实世界中工作的医疗保健专业人员教授, 采用积极的合作学习方法.


  • 合格的申请人从第一天开始学习护理课程
  • Six 提升密歇根 hospital locations for clinical rotations with 200 outpatient settings
  • 提升密歇根 employees are eligible for the system’s RN loan forgiveness program
  • 最先进的模拟实验室
  • 准备NCLEX-RN州执照考试
  • Unique, academic-实践 partnership between 利记sbo and the 提升密歇根
  • 学生们会收到一台装有保健软件的个人电脑
  • 多学科、跨专业的模拟经验
  • 访问利记sbo和提升密歇根的图书馆
  • BSN计划与您的日程安排:运动员的平均GPA为3.4 .留存率100%.




M. 特蕾莎·贾米森,ACNP-BC


To develop innovative professional nursing leaders who are compassionate and caring healers dedicated to transforming healthcare through the art of nursing, 研究, 理论, 实践, 技术, 社区参与.


The philosophy of the nursing program is to embrace and cultivate 利记sbo’s motto of 理论 and 实践. 通过科学探究, students operationalize theoretical constructs and concepts into professional 实践 settings. 基于项目的创新, 具体问题具体分析, and active collaborative learning strategies permeate the pedagogy for teaching and learning. The 提升密歇根 and 利记sbo’s core value of integrity serves as an integral component to create a caring and healing environment across diverse settings for students, 病人, 家庭, 和社区.


  • Empower future professional nurse leaders to serve as advocates for vulnerable populations and a just society.
  • Embed the foundational concepts of Relationship Based-Care and Caring Science processes into professional 实践 settings.
  • Future professional nurses will transform the healthcare landscape through the intricate balance of the art and science of nursing.


  • Integrate knowledge from the humanities and sciences within the context of nursing science.
  • 将以关系为基础的护理原则落实到以病人为中心, 在关怀和治疗的环境中给予个性化的护理.
  • Demonstrate health promotion and disease prevention strategies across diverse settings, 寿命, and vulnerable populations to address health disparities and population health.
  • Formulate plans of care designed within the frameworks of clinical reasoning, 质量改进, 循证实践.
  • Utilize information management and 技术 to ensure safe, effective, and high quality care.
  • Employ interprofessional collaboration and leadership strategies to improve outcomes for individuals, 社区, 和系统.
  • Value professional nursing 实践 reflective of the scope and standards of nursing 实践 and the code of ethics.
  • Examine the impact of policy, finance, and regulatory environments on healthcare.


这是属于你的时间. 你的时间来改变生活,你的社区,和医疗保健系统.

  • Join the profession the public views as the most honest and ethical of all (Gallup poll).
  • The demand for BSN-prepared registered nurses (RNs) is growing and will continue to grow.
  • The Institute of Medicine calls for 80 percent of nurses to be BSN-prepared by 2020.
  • A survey of 461 schools of nursing conducted by the American Association of Colleges of 护理 found that 45.1 percent of hospitals and other healthcare settings required new hires to have a BSN while 79.6%的雇主表达了对BSN毕业生的强烈偏好.


根据 U.S. 美国劳工统计局 注册护士的时薪中位数为42美元.80名,年薪中位数为89,010美元.

护理高居“高需求职业”前50名之首, 密歇根的“高工资”职业每年有6个受保护的职位空缺,650人,就业增长率为13%.从2016年到2026年5%.

The innovative partnership between Lawrence Tech and 提升密歇根 is designed to prepare nurses to meet the demands of the changing healthcare landscape. Students receive 利记sbo's signature "Theory and Practice" education and benefit from 提升密歇根’s promise of compassionate, 为所有人提供个性化护理.


We are pleased to offer this academic 实践 partnership between 利记sbo (利记sbo) and 提升密歇根 for a Bachelor in Science (BSN) degree in nursing. 一旦承认, 你将进入护理行业, which has been ranked the “most honest and ethical” profession for seventeen consecutive years. As an associate of 提升密歇根 since 1981 and a professor in higher learning since 1988, 我非常幸运能成为这一伙伴关系和职业的一部分. 随着护理项目的发展, 我将继续积极参与临床活动, 作为一名急症护理护士, 以确保为您提供最新的, 有关, 还有最先进的护理项目.

利记sbo-Ascension的课程之所以具有竞争力和独特性,有几个原因. 一个, it is competitive with its 125 credit plan of study; yet unique in that the program is offered in 11 consecutive semesters, 让学生在四年内获得学士学位, 不是五. Unlike many other universities, the program has nursing classes that start in the first semester. The academic 实践 partnership is also unique in the Detroit Tri-County area showcasing the partnership’s commitment to excellence in education and improvement in health outcomes. Clinical experiences will range from prevention and primary care to high acuity settings across six Ascension hospitals and outpatient settings. 你将有机会进入两个护理模拟实验室, 一个在利记sbo校园另一个在阿森松普罗维登斯医院, 菲尔德大学.

我们祝您在浏览我们的网页时一切顺利, 参加开放日, 以及与员工的沟通, 教师, 和管理员.


M. 特蕾莎·贾米森,ACNP-BC

M. 特蕾莎·贾米森,ACNP-BC

